20120603 - Backshop

Location: Fairfax (Franconia) Fire Station #5, 6300 Beulah Street, Alexandria, VA
Date: June 3, 2012
Time: 1 - 5

Admission: Free

Sponsor: Northern Virginia NTRAK

Description: NVNTRAK is a mobile club and as such we have no home base; however, in order to be able to work with each other and to share ideas, we meet once a month at a local firestation to conduct what we call the Backshop. The Backshop is an opportunity for members to get together, share ideas, and to test new modules and/or equipment. The topic of discussion at the Backshop in June was T-TRAK and we had a layout there to test out several new modules and also to show other members what we are doing with T-TRAK. Here is a diagram of the layout that we put together. Many of the modules do not yet have scenery while some are already on this site and are finished.


L to R - Bob, Steve, Ed, Bob, and Chester around the T-TRAK layout

John and Jim working on an NTRAK module set.

Howard B working on a loco


Jim N trying to convince himself that he doesn't need any more magazines!

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