Location:11200 Fairfax Station Rd, Fairfax Station, VA 22039
Date: Sunday, June 10, 2012
Time: 1-4 PM
Admission: $3 for adults and $1 for children
Sponsor: Fairfax Station Railroad Museum
Eleven members of the NVNTRAK T-TRAK Division brought out modules to this show and were able to put together a two-loop layout as seen below.

The Fairfax Station show was the trial run for our new power box. Our club still has a mix of DC and DCC modelers; however, in the past we have not been able to switch the power for each loop. Instead, we would dedicate specific tracks to DC or DCC and force the members to move to the track that had the power they wanted. Here is a picture of the device. It is pretty complicated inside, but basically it takes 3 power source (DC and DCC for each of the three) and then routes them to one of the outputs (Red, Yellow, or Blue). For the layout above, the Red line was the loop that went around the whole layout while the Yellow was for the inside loop on the right and Blue was for the inside loop on the left. The switch box was sitting on top of the table.

This is a photo of the power rig that we had under the table. The UR 91 and 92 are on the far left. Working towards the right is a DCS100 with a PM4 and then a power supply and two Aristocraft Radio throttles. Our club created these DC boxes last year for the NTRAK layouts and created an extra one to be used on T-TRAK. The Aristocraft throttles are also used by NTRAK for DC power.

We only had two DC radio controlled throttles, so one regular throttle sat up on the table for use on the blue line.

Here are some more photos of the layout and our members.