20141011 - Bunker Hill Train Club Show

Location: Ranson Civic Center, 431 W. 2nd Ave., Ranson, WV 25438
Date: Saturday, October 11,2014
Time: 10 am - 3 pm

Admission: $4

Sponsor: Bunker Hill Train Club


Dave D took lots of photos at the show and several new pages were created as well as photos being refreshed on others. The Bellows Falls page was created. Photos were updated for Dairy Corner, Farm Corner, The Creamery, Railfan Cabin, and Whistle Stop… amongst others


This great little s-curve double was contributed to the layout by one of the vendors, Bert, who was set up at the show. He has been building a home layout made up of T-TRAK modules, but had not seen any others in real life until he came to one of the previous Bunker Hill shows and saw us there. He brought his module this time just in case we might be there again and he could set up with us. It was GREAT to have the guest module for the day.


Philip took this photo of the layout.

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