Location:3210 New Jersey Route 50, South Egg Harbor, NJ
Date: April 24-26
Time:See below
Admission: FREE
Sponsor:4-H Model Railroad Club
Friday, April 24, 2015 (Vendors and Exhibitors Only)
-Building Opens at 12:00 Noon, but closes at approximately 10:00 PM (No Public Access)
Saturday, April 25, 2015 (First Day)
- Doors open at 8:00 AM for Exhibitors.
- The show is open to the public starting at 10:00 AM, and closes to the public at 4:00 PM.
- Starting at 4:00 PM, vendors and exhibitors are permitted to run trains freely on club layouts until 8:00PM.
- At 6:00 PM, members of the 4-H Model Railroad Club will be hosting a dinner for all vendors, exhibitors, and members of the general public who remain. Dinner will be provided by the 4-H Model Railroad Club and cost will be $8.00 per head (all proceeds benefit the 4-H model railroad club).
- At the close of dinner, layouts will re-open and everyone is invited to continue running trains on any of the several operating layouts.
Sunday, April 26, 2015 (Second Day)
- Doors open at 8:00 AM for Exhibitors.
- The show is open to the public starting at 10:00 AM, and closes to the public at 3:00 PM.
- At 3:00 PM, the doors close to the public, and layout and vendor cleanup begins.
N Scale Gathering 2015 Layout - Actual
Click the link below to view photos of the show: