We were invited to set up some of our modules at fellow member James 'David' Ezekiel's home, in Loxley,AL, on Sunday, October 15. He, and his wife Suzanne, graciously opened their home to us so we could get together, test a few newer modules, and run and discuss trains and upcoming projects and shows.
David and Suzanne have a lovely home, with a large, CLEAN, and well lit garage that was perfect for setting up a layout measuring 16'x 12'. Joshua Murrah, David, and myself (Bruce Arbo) ran trains for about three hours before disassembling and heading back to our respective homes. Besides being able to see a few of David's beautiful new modules, Joshua Murrah programmed a few of my DCC-equipped locomotives into the SWARMTrak power network roster.
Location: Home of David Ezekiel, Loxley, AL
Date:October 15, 2017
Time:3:00 pm
Sponsor:James 'David' Ezekiel