SWARMTrak, along with the SWARM O gauge three rail contingent, were invited back to display at the annual Alabama Pecan festival, held in Mobile, AL. The O Gauge three rail groups has been displaying here for years, but 2016 marked SWARMTrak's debut. Joshua Murrah contributed his balloon loop modules, and debuted his new single power module. Glenn Samuel donated one of modules from his 'Camp Swampy' peninsula group. This year there was even less space than last year, as another member brought a stand alone On30 layout that cut into the original space allotted to SWARMTrak, however, all three layouts help showcase a diversity of scales within the SWARM organization.
Location:WC Grigg's Elementary School
Date:November 4-5, 2017
Time:9-5 10-4
Sponsor:Alabama Pecan Festival