201909 OMRA Fall 2019 Train Show

Location: Ozark Empire Fairgrounds
Date: September 7, 2019
Time: 9:00am - 3:00pm

Admission: $8, children 11 and under free

Sponsor: Ozarks Model Railroad Association​

The KC T-Nuts had a great time at the OMRA Fall train show in Springfield, MO. We had a good sized layout featuring modules from several members, and had a chance to visit with a lot of visitors all about T-TRAK and model railroading in general. We look forward to returning for the next show in the Spring!

The show was the debut of the completed Glitter Mountain set of modules, owned by one member's 6 year old daughter. They were a hit, especially with the children at the show.
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A few more images of the rest of our layout
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Our club photographer was busy running trains most of the day, so we only have a few photos from the show.

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