201912 Monkton Park School Christmas Fair

Location: Monkton Park Primary School, Chippenham, Wiltshire, England
Date: Friday 6th December 2019
Time: 17:30 to 19:30

Sponsor: Friends of Monkton Park School (FOMPS)


We presented the new modules the club members have been working on this term as part of our layout and allowed visitors to drive the trains again this year. We fitted our layout into the space available, showing the flexibility of T-Trak layouts to adapt to space constraints. Several club members helped out at the show to coach our visitors with driving our three trains, with an increasing level of challenge:
1. a DC-controlled loop, stopping the train at the station smoothly and accurately
2. our DCC main line, driving a diesel multiple unit to stop at the station and obey the signals
3. our DCC main line, driving a sound-fitted steam locomotive with simulated inertia and obey the signals (don't forget brake-on-F2!)

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