202003 MPTT Module Building Competition

Monkton Park Primary School T-Trak Club's 2020 Module Building Competition

We had a Module Building Competition to explore different ways of meeting the T-Trak module specification. The club members had to build a standard single module, 308mm by 210mm, with the "deck" adjustable in height between 70mm and 100mm above the table top. There was nothing in the specification to say the module had to look like a model railway, and use of recycled or free materials was encouraged. The club members decided to set aside four club sessions to building their modules, plus any working time at home. Unfortunately, our module building time was cut short by the UK Government closing schools from 20th March 2020 to combat the spread of the coronavirus. Some children finished their modules in the second or third building session:

MPTT_2020_CF.JPG Charlie's module used a plywood box construction, decorated with paints to make a scene for Brio vehicles.
MPTT_2020_EA.JPG Eliza used laminated sheets of cardboard to create a relatively light, solid block. The module was painted green and fake moss used to create some bushes.
MPTT_2020_ES.JPG A Lego house on a cut-down baseplate, mounted on a conveniently-sized cardboard box, was a quick build for Eddie. He had to agree a deviation from the competition specification to have a deeper module to sit the house on safely, which was agreed because his larger module still fitted in the storage drawer.
MPTT_2020_EH.jpg Ethan finished his module at home while the school was closed (coronavirus restrictions) so it is missing the Unitrack at the moment.
MPTT_2020_FS.JPG Fin's bridge crossing a valley was built from off-cuts of building materials, painted and textured with flock material. Fin finished first through the simple tactic of starting his module first, as soon as the competition details were handed out.
MPTT_2020_OS.JPG Oliver's first attempt was more than 308mm wide so the Unitrack didn't reach the ends: a quick rebuild was required. He re-engineered his module between club sessions on a new cardboard chassis with help from his Dad and reused the scenery from his first module.
MPTT_2020_OR.JPG The chassis of Oscar's module is built from Lego brick sides with a card top, allowing craters to be punched through the surface. The moonscape is textured using crushed rice cereal and painted. Oscar also had to agree a deviation from the competition rules to have extra depth to his module to use a whole number of Lego bricks, which was agreed because the module still fitted in the storage drawer.
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