2022-11 Greenberg Train Show

Event Details

Location: Pittsburgh - Monroeville Expo Mart
Date: Nov 5-6 2022
Time: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Each Day

Admission: Door price set by sponsor

Sponsor: Greenberg Train Shows

Event Layout

  • 33 straight modules
  • 2 corner modules equivalents
  • 4 large corner modules
  • 58 SME (Single Module Equivalents)
  • 42.8 meters of track

This layout was the first time we tried to organize the scenery a little, with each branch of the cross serving a different look. Farmland, Big City, and Small Town. We used those "General Scenery" modules to separate between an area. We had one DC loop (in the "Farmland") and two DCC loops (outer loop, and inter "city/town" loop).

By placing the double crossover module just outside the yard, we were able to use the outside section of the yard to serve both our DCC loops and then the inside section was able to serve the DC section.

At this event we also introduced a 15 item "Scavenger Hunt" which was a big hit with the kids - and surprisingly a big hit with adults also (even those without the kids :D )

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