Event Details
Location: Carnegie Science Center, Pittsburgh PA
Date: Jan 14 & 15, 2023
Time: 10am - 4pm both days
Admission: With General Admission to the Science Center
Sponsor: Carnegie Science Center
We have been invited to participate in the Carnegie Science Center's "Locomotion Weekend" — more details on the Science Center's website: https://carnegiesciencecenter.org/events/locomotion-weekend/
Event Layout
- 36 straight modules
- 6 corner modules equivalents
- 4 large corner modules
- 61 SME (Single Module Equivalents)
- 48.44 meters of track
The layout got modified a little bit once we showed up and saw the room setup, The center lines (Farms & Yard) got flipped around and a few of the individual modules got traded around to accommodate the room setup better.
We had 4 new members from our FB page join us and bring modules for the first time at this event (Fran, Gary, Tim, and Dave - Dave is not on the plan below 'cause I was to lazy to add him.. his double just got traded in where the 'bridge' was.). We had a total of 5 members running trains with us for the first time (doubling our 'normal' number of runners). We even had a few visitors who we let run some of our trains for their first time ever running trains! This turned out to be our largest event to date with approximately 4.82 scale miles of track, and around 7,000 visitors over the two days.
We had 1 large DC loop (inside 'top'), 1 small DCC loop (inside 'bottom') and 1 large DCC loop (outside loop). The loops were all large enough that we were able to run at least 2 trains on each loop for most of the weekend. Occasionally we even had 3 or 4 on the outside loop.