202303 Swindon MODRAIL 2023

Location: STEAM Museum of the Great Western, Fire Fly Avenue, Swindon, SN2 2EY.
Date: Saturday 4th March 2023
Time: 1000 to 1630

Admission: Adult £7.00, Children under 16 free when accompanied by an adult

Sponsor: Swindon Model Railway Club

We're grateful to Swindon Model Railway Club for inviting us to display the children's T-Trak modules as a demonstration of what T-Trak is all about. Here's the plan, using the four 6' x 2' tables offered to us. We have had three running sessions at the school to try out this layout, check signal module 5 works as intended and to test out some suitable rolling stock.


We again offered visitors the opportunity to drive trains on our layout. Because the layout was a bit smaller than usual, we ran only short passenger trains. We had some serious congestion when we tried three trains, then four trains in our six signal sections.

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