Built By: Bob Myers
Description: Single module provides transition from 25mm spacing to 33mm spacing for use of Steele Avenue yard in 33mm spacing layouts. Includes extension of arrival/departure track.
The building is a Walthers low relief kit. The original kit was four stories, I sectioned it to three to make it more "Chicagoey". In Chicago, buildings with more than three above ground residence floors require an elevator. This made three-story apartment buildings a major part of the Chicago area's housing mix. I spoke to the Walthers employee who designed this kit, and he said that it was based on a building in Evanston, IL (where I live) and gave me the street name and approximate location, which is about a mile from where I live. However, I have not been able to identify the exact building.
These transition modules are made using a technique pioneered by Andrew George. the track ends of the transition track are short lengths of Unitrack roadbed. Most of that track and all the rails are a piece of flex. This allows a pair of gentle curves to produce the 8mm of offset.