Brisbane Independent

Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Standard N scale T-Trak modules join perfectly with our 'Modified Modules'

Having been n scale modellers for over 40 years, and now have built some 20 T-TRAK modified modules.
We are located just north of the city of Brisbane, Australia.
We have modelled the GWR (Great Western Railway) UK and have a collection of over 50 GWR Steam Locos plus BR diesels and other British railway Steam locos collected over the years featuring 1950's to 1970's.
All modules are designed for seperate DCC or DC operation on all tracks.
We have used the outer two tracks for mainline operation, and the inside track as the branch line, normally completely seperate from the others unless standard two track T-Trak modules are joined in at an exhibition.
Tunnel clearances on the main line are "American Standards" allowing for double stack operation.
All cabling within the modules is a minimum of 10 amps heavy duty household cable.
(See Cymru 3., third photo. This is the standard circuit for all modules)
Makes the modules a little heavier, but we have minimum voltage drop on DCC.

T-Trak Standards: 33mm Spacing

Contact: Brisbane Independent

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