Bulwark Yard (set)

Built By: Kevin S

Description: Simple "transfer yard", loosely inspired by the Wheeling & Lake Erie's Rook Yard (Greentree PA). The yard is designed to be expandable based on space provided and needs. The name comes from the fact that "bulwark" is the translation to the Irish name for the chess piece commonly called "the Rook" (ref. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rook_(chess) ) .

All turnouts are number 6s, creating a 49.5mm track spacing.

  • Most basic - 4 SME1 - Lead & Spur — Provides two stub-ended tracks off the yellow line, as well as a short "industry track" that can also be used as short yard track. The left double also contains a facing-point spur.
  • Common - 5 SME 1 - (with corners, still fits on 8ft table) Lead & Spur & Right — Adds a turnout to track 1, making it a double-ended track. Extends the length of Track 2 and of the "industry track".
  • Optional Extensions - 5+ SME 1 - Additional length can be added between the Spur and Right.

For it's first show, I want to test out the track layout. So I have not put down any scenery yet, just painted it. All track is just screwed in place at the moment.

Set Membership:


Fictional History of Bulwark Yard In the early 1900's, the yard served as a marshalling yard for a metropolitan area. At that time, it had over 14 yard tracks, each able to hold over 100 cars each. At it's west end, it had a 5 stall round house and full facilities for the railroads steam engines that served this area. After the railroad had switched to all diesel engine, the future of Bulwark yard was in question. The round house fell into disrepair, and eventually was completely abandoned when track was ripped up. All that remains now is the stub-end that serves as engine tie-down and refueling space. After a number of mergers, this yard was no longer needed for sorting, so much of the east end of the yard was sold off to the surrounding community and most of the tracks became stub-ended. As less and less track were needed, the turnouts were pulled up. Those that could be salvaged were moved to other locations on the railroads. This allowed for better spacing between tracks.

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