Dean S. - Greater Harrisburg Area (PA)

Thursday October 25th, 2012

I am just getting back into model railroading. I have decided to explore the world of N-scale modeling and am interested in putting together a T-Trak layout. My area of interest is to model the trackage between Harrisburg (PA) and Hagerstown (MD) along the RDG Lurgan Branch, the WM Lurgan Subdivision, and the old PRR Cumberland Valley Branch. Phase one will be the RDG Lurgan Branch from Harrisburg to Shippensburg through Cumberland County which is no operated by Norfolk Southern.

Module wise I will start off by modeling the Rutherford Yard just east of Harrisburg. it is current configured as an intermodal facility operated by NS. From the east I will model the Lurgan/Shippensburg area and fill in the gaps as time goes on.

I plan on building standard two-track modules with return loop modules at either end. This will allow for a more prototypical/geographic orientation rather than a traditional circular layout. For operating sessions the return loops can be left off and local freight delivery and switching operations can be done since there are many industrial sidings off the mainline.

While my ambition is to be as prototypical as reasonably possible, some modules I build will be anchored in the present while others will represent a more historic time along the mainline. This is just to allow flexibility in modeling "maximum trackage" since there are a fair number of trackside industries that had sidings that have either been torn up or abandoned all together.

I am looking for anyone in the area (Cumberland, Franklin, York, Adams, Dauphin, Lancaster counties) who is into T-Trak and would like to get together informally for work sessions, operating sessions, and even possibly show our modules at events. I don't have any ambitions of starting a formal "club," but if I am not opposed to the idea either if there are enough interested people.

I can be contacted through the username wdshirley on here.

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