Built By: Barry Fisher
At our Sandown exhibition 2015 a new set of modules went on display as a peninsula at the end of the exhibition space. I built this module as a inside corner with an extra filler at the rear so that no skyboards were required. It uses a variety of grasses both long and small. A small abandoned cottage sits at the rear of the module next to the dry river. A couple or rock mounds made from cork provide vertical heigh and confuse the viewer's visual depth perception when viewing across the module. The inside corner with open peninsula without any skyboards was very well received by the public. It provided also good visual access for the operators over the weekend as it was easy to watch your train travel around the open peninsula.

at Sandown Exhibition 2015

at home with skyboards

at home with skyboards

at Sandown Exhibition 2015 with the rear filler visible at the rear of the module
Built: February 2015