Extra Thin

Built By: Kevin S

Description: Single width module, only 5.25in deep. Track is set in the center, giving 1.5in on both front and back edges. I already have a number of modules using the 1x3s construction method that I refer to as "thin modules", so this one is "Extra Thin"

The module is designed to fit between two junction modules in a wide loop (double table) layout. (The design is not mine, I 'stole' it from a FB post when I recognized that it solved issues I have experienced with a wide loop design.)

  • Keeping it thin helps with leveling between the two sides of the loop.
  • The 1.5 offset on bothside makes it visually fit nicely in the center of two loops (vs a standard module that is 'lopsided' visually)
  • Use of "leveling holes" on the top of the module (use of Allen wrench to level)
  • Bottom of fascia has been cut out to allow bus wires to easily pass underneath.

For my build, I made the following design decisions:

  • Kept material and scenery light weight — Built with mostly 1/4 Luna, and I used card or foam sheets for scenery. I have seen where the center module will want to "float" off the table — since you are trying to connect two other modules that have already been leveled to 'left right'.
  • Power drops added — IDK if needed yet, but would rather have and never use than not have at all. Since the junction modules tend to NOT be powered, it could leave a long gap between drops. Since this is designed to go in the middle, it tends to be "both yellow" track — for that reason I labeled these drops "red/yellow" and "yellow/yellow" (See image) The "red/yellow" track is the one closest to the red Guard Hut.
  • Re-railers added — Not a fan of the Kato re-railers visually, but the are useful. Maybe related to the leveling issue, but this location does see it's fair share of de-rails — so figured adding it wouldn't hurt. (and the fact that this module is not "right up front" made the issue with ugly a little easier to swallow for me :-) )
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