N - Glitter Mountain Station

Built By: Brian Mills, with help from his wife and daughter

Description: This module is what happens when you get a 6 year old girl excited about model railroading. It also means you'll be finding glitter all over your house for the next several months, if not years. It was a hit at its debut, and is hopefully inspiring many more girls, young and old, to get involved in the hobby.

This module is powered, equipped with Anderson Powerpole connectors wired blue-white blue-white, as per club standards at the time of its construction. This module is always run as a set forming an independent inside loop.

DS1_7132.jpg DS1_7136.jpg DS1_7137.jpg DS1_7138.jpg DS1_7139.jpg DS1_7140.jpg

The full Glitter Mountain set:
N - Glitter Mountain Curve
N - Glitter Mountain Junction
N - Glitter Mountain Station
N - Glitter Mountain Tunnel

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