To see the specifications for standard module sizes as well as track center-to-center distances please visit or reference the module blueprints below used by North Texas T-Trak. This is important if you plan to join your module to one built by someone else (which is really the whole point of T-Trak in the first place). Be sure to also refer to the document T-Trak Interface Guidelines Version 1.
Keep in mind there are other methods to build a module that meet the proper interconnection standards (i.e. track height). Several of these are covered in the unofficial T-Trak handbook (see T-Trak Related Links). A running list of other methods can be found in the tutorial section, Module Construction Methods
- Building Modules with 1x3s
- Foam Board
- Gatorboard (foamcore)
- Corrugated Cardboard
- Corrugated Plastic
- Open Framework
- Open Framework 3 Legged Variation
Other module design and construction techniques:
- Before You Build
- Non-Standard Lengths
- Two-inch Fascias
- Bent Laminated Fascias
- Aligning Tracks
- Kato's Double Crossover
- Jeff's Adjustable Feet
- Wiring for T-Trak
- Make Your Own Terminal Joiners
- How To tweak the standard Kato No. 4 turnout for reliable performance

Above: The single module with a coat of paint and track installed is now ready for scenery.
The following blueprint is for a 180 degree corner module.
What is the purpose of the #60 holes in the ends of the module?
Q: What is the purpose of the #60 holes in the ends of the module?
A: According to Bob, pilot holes for nails. The sides are glued but the nails help to hold the sides in place until the glue dries. Bob said he uses 2-3 track nails per side.
I don't know if others do this to their corner blocks, but I like to adjust the height of my modules from the top corners of the module. I use 2 1/2" 1/4-20 carriage bolts and slot the tops of them for a screwdriver adjustment. I also set the "T' nut up inside the block as shown in the cross-section picture shown - well that isn't going to work, can't figure out how to get an image from my picture files.