Ian Loxton - The Loch Downe and Downe Mountain T-TRAK Layout

My Current Module

Built by ian-loxton

The Loch Downe and Downe Mountain T-TRAK Layout

- Motive Power Depot - Double - 620x400mm to carry a canal, a Mainline on a viaduct, a layby siding leading to a 3D Printed 5" turntable and an Engine shed.
- Loch Downe Canal Wharf - Double 620x400mm (incl 106mm outreach) including a Canal Bridge, canal, large wharf area, automated shunting sidings, and Mainline on the viaduct.
- Downe Mountain & Canal - Supermodule 930x835mm. At the front will be a Canal Lock and a small Canal wharf with a single train interchange. This will be well below the Mainline running through. The Loco will be one of either a Fleischmann 7305 (Blue theme) or 7309 (Red Theme) cog loco each pushing 3 4-wheel cars in matching blue or red. The rack rail will take the consist under the Mainline and then climbs back up to an interchange platform before it continues climbing, mostly on the rack rail at up to 14.7% Grade, to Downe Mountain Ski Resort (160mm higher than the mainline). Once there the consist will meet up with the alternate consist (Red or Blue) coming up from the Downe Mountain Funicular Interchange station. This line will have the Grade of 13% off the mountain.
There will be a large double crossover TOMIX #1247 which will allow the consists to continue their journey to the other Station.

NOTE: At no time will the North or South T-TRAK Mainlines be in physical or electrical contact with the Branchlines.

To the right of the super module is the…
- Loch Downe module - Double 620x400mm including a 106mm outreach. This module carries the Loch (Scottish lake) that feeds into the Canal. It will have the Mainline running across a viaduct plus Mountains and a Canal Tunnel portal that mythically runs through the Downe Mountain to appear under the South Mainline on the Super module.
- Downe Mountain Funicular module. Double module - 620x400. This module fits the South end of the super module (sitting above the Loch Downe module) and connects to the branch line that runs between the Funicular Station and Downe Mountain Ski Station. The Funicular runs the BRAWA cable-hauled carriages based on the Forest Cemetery cable cars of Stuttgart, Austria. I hope to hand-lay the track to Nn3 standards so that it looks more prototypical than the present formed plastic track in N scale. This track will rise at around 28% grade to a terminus close to the Downe Mountain Ski Station at 170mm higher than the Main lines.
- Power Substation - Double 620x300mm. This will be the Power Substation in theme and should sit to the top left of the Super module, above the Canal Wharf module. This will have a removable scenic top - held by super magnets - and underneath will be a standard PC switchmode Power supply to take mains power and output 2 of 12V bus lines and 1 of 5V bus line.
Powering the Branch lines
The 12V lines will run all the Branchline trains as well as the Canal Wharf shunt yard. The second 12V line will power the Funicular, lighting circuits, and other things. The Red (#7309) and Blue (#7305) Consists will be PWM controlled through Power modules switched by commands from the Arduino Control System. There will be no DCC or onboard sound chips. The Locos are only 63mm long and need the mass from the lead blocks so Control and Sound have to come externally. I know that the more recent versions have a DCC option. Mine were old when I got them around 2010 or thereabouts so more mass = no DCC.
The 5V line will power the 10 or so mini servo motors which will control the actuation of all the points/switches/turnouts and the Control system.
The Control System is planned to be an ESP32 running as Master and 2 UNO and 5 NANO Arduinors spread across the active modules. The Detection of the consist movements will be by IR Detectors (TCRT5000 by 20 spread across the modules). I have 10 Hall Effect Detectors as an alternative Detection system.
There will also be an Environmental Sound system triggered by the Arduinos switching 10 mini-MP3 modules with sound files held on TFT chips. The aim is for the "sound" of the consists to be heard in proximity to the train passing through so the sound will change for travel over bridges or through tunnels as well as arrival and departure announcements when the consists get to the Stations. There will be around 5 or 6 (or more?) mini speakers hidden along the lines and perhaps a seaside maritime sound running at the canal wharves and Loch modules.

So how much of this is a dream and how much is reality?
As I write this in March 2023 the frames and bases for 4 modules, including the Super module, MPD, and Loch Downe, are done.

  • All the track, the connections, the wiring, the Arduinos, mini-MP3 players, and IR lights are on hand but not fitted.
  • All tracks, points, derailers, locos, and carriages are on hand but not fitted.
  • The BRAWA Funicular is on hand minus buildings and motor.

ALL Branch line points are TOMIX R140mm, there are no Main line points, etc.
All Main lines have been tested to comply with the T-TRAK Double Track Clearance templates.
Most of the track is PECO (Concrete sleepers for the Main lines, Timber for the Branch lines) and Fleischman makes all the Rack rails. TOMIX rails make up the Canal Wharf shunt yards. There may be an 80mm wagon turntable in the wharf set, not certain yet.
To comply with T-TRAK Standards, the KATO parts will be 18 to 25mm double-track connectors at each Main line Interface.
This will be a T-TRAK Modular Layout and is intended to merge into a normal Display Layout.
The 5" turntable is at present being 3D printed for me from a design on thingverse.com.
The whole system has been planned on XTrkCAD Layout Design and it is coming together well.
I have no idea how I will program the ESP32 and Arduinos to do all these tasks automagically and I am very open to any advice so long as it is not recommending JMRI as there will NOT be a computer used to do any of the controlling when on display. Just the programming and debugging. The ESP32 Master chip will be there also to receive WiFi/Bluetooth commands either from a mini keyboard or an app (MIT) on the mobile phone.
I have created a small test loop module (830x330mm) using the TOMIX track with sidings etc to develop the software and hardware control system. This will include servos and detection lights eventually once the programming matures to handle their inputs. Again, help is requested.
I can't show the pictures here but the progress has been often documented on the T-TRAK and Australian T-TRAK Facebook pages.
Oh, almost forgot.
ALL railway structures, buildings, canal portals, train tunnel portals, bridges, platforms, and viaducts etc. will be from ScaleScenes.com card models laser printed in the UK 1:148 scale. The viaducts will be strengthened with 3mmm plywood sitting on 66x14mm wood dowels but the rest of it will be Scalescenes paper and card structures.
Yes, some of you have spotted that there is a mix of German/Swiss rolling stock with UK structures, stations etc. This is because the Layout will comply with Rule #1. My Layout, my Rules.

12-09-20-1800 New inner layout - added run-arounds - overview

My son pointed out that I had to add in Run-Around sidings and shunting operations so that the position of the cog loco can be changed around the consist. This should also add considerable interest to viewers of the layout in a Show situation. A rural train or railbus can operate around the Mountain Loop with the cog rail train appearing and leaving on its way up or down the mountains.
This plan now has the same Run-around sidings and platforms appearing at the Branch Line, Mountain Top and Fishing Port Stations.

Notice also that I finally worked out how to use the options to designate tracks as Main and sub=ordinate lines by making the lines thick, medium or thin. I think it adds to the readability of the layouts.


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12-09-20-1800 New inner layout - added run-arounds - detailed view

My son pointed out that I had to add in Run-Around sidings and shunting operations so that the position of the cog loco can be changed around the consist. This should also add considerable interest to viewers of the layout in a Show situation. A rural train or railbus can operate around the Mountain Loop with the cog rail train appearing and leaving on its way up or down the mountains.
This plan now has the same Run-around sidings and platforms appearing at the Branch Line, Mountain Top and Fishing Port Stations.

Notice also that I finally worked out how to use the options to designate tracks as Main and sub=ordinate lines by making the lines thick, medium or thin. I think it adds to the readability of the layouts.


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12-09-20-1400 New inner layout - detailed view

I felt that I had explored the previous plan adequately and come up with what might be a workable design so I wanted to explore an idea first looked at in 2011 where there is a loop for the Mountain line. I copied the loop from the older file and then rebuilt it to suit the new plan. Straight away I saw an opportunity to provide a sort-of loop operation whereby the cog train can arrive at the Fishing Port and then leave through a tunnel to end up on the other side at the Branch Line Station. This cuts out the Mountain sidings and Timber Line but should also add considerable interest to viewers of the layout in a Show situation. A rural train or railbus can operate around the Mountain Loop with the cog rail train appearing and leaving on its way up or down the mountains.


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12-09-20-1400 New inner layout - detailed view

I felt that I had explored the previous plan adequately and come up with what might be a workable design so I wanted to explore an idea first looked at in 2011 where there is a loop for the Mountain line. I copied the loop from the older file and then rebuilt it to suit the new plan. Straight away I saw an opportunity to provide a sort-of loop operation whereby the cog train can arrive at the Fishing Port and then leave through a tunnel to end up on the other side at the Branch Line Station. This cuts out the Mountain sidings and Timber Line but should also add considerable interest to viewers of the layout in a Show situation. A rural train or railbus can operate around the Mountain Loop with the cog rail train appearing and leaving on its way up or down the mountains.


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12-09-05 reduced elevations on fishing line tunnel Overview

I reduced elevations on the Fishing Line tunnel as I found that I had been allocating the Main Line Clearances of 58mm where the rack-rail locos only required around 48mm for clearance. That left me with more elevation to play around with and not such a steep grade.


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12-09-05 reduced elevations on fishing line tunnel detailed view

I reduced elevations on the Fishing Line tunnel as I found that I had been allocating the Main Line Clearances of 58mm where the rack-rail locos only required around 48mm for clearance. That left me with more elevation to play around with and not such a steep grade.


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(Only showing external edges and no dimensions)

Quite a few changes since my last Update. I found that there wasn't enough room for cuttings and banks so I removed all but the essential lines and sidings. I have set in a mainline crossover on the cliffs above the Fishing Port. I have also had to change from using TOMIX R140-30 turnouts as my Fleischmann rollingstock are too deep in the wheel flanges to be safe rolling over the turnout frogs (see below). The small turnouts are all to be PECO ST5 or ST6 (R223mm).

(I found that the TOMIX R140-30 turnout frogs are 0.64mm below the rail. The Fleischmann rollingstock has flange depths of around 0.68mm. That is one reason behind why they tend to derail when rolling through these turnouts. Another reason could be the sharp radius.
Generally my KATO and other Japanese brands have wheel flanges around 0.35mm to 0.45mm so they can travel over the TOMIX turnouts without a problem.
Generally my KATO and other brands of track are around 1mm up to 0.85mm below the rail so they don't cause any problem to the Fleischmann rollingstock.)

Disclaimer - the above is just my personal opinion based solely on the tracks and rollingstock available to me. Please make your own investigations and come up with your own conclusions.


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(showing all module edges and dimensions)

Quite a few changes since my last Update. I found that there wasn't enough room for cuttings and banks so I removed all but the essential lines and sidings. I have set in a mainline crossover on the cliffs above the Fishing Port. I have also had to change from using TOMIX R140-30 turnouts as my Fleischmann rollingstock are too deep in the wheel flanges to be safe rolling over the turnout frogs (see below). The small turnouts are all to be PECO ST5 or ST6 (R223mm).

(I found that the TOMIX R140-30 turnout frogs are 0.64mm below the rail. The Fleischmann rollingstock has flange depths of around 0.68mm. That is one reason behind why they tend to derail when rolling through these turnouts. Another reason could be the sharp radius.
Generally my KATO and other Japanese brands have wheel flanges around 0.35mm to 0.45mm so they can travel over the TOMIX turnouts without a problem.
Generally my KATO and other brands of track are around 1mm up to 0.85mm below the rail so they don't cause any problem to the Fleischmann rollingstock.)

Disclaimer - the above is just my personal opinion based solely on the tracks and rollingstock available to me. Please make your own investigations and come up with your own conclusions.


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Main change has been the ladder in to the yard from the main. It has been rebuilt with the Tomix 140-30 Mini Turnouts/Points/Switches. There isn't any way/room to structure the points so that traffic from the main can enter the stubs so all traffic would have to come through into the Branch then push back onto the various stubs. The double track engine shed is from Greenmax and came from their Economy Pack 804. Same shed is available through their #19 kit where it is doubled and provided with fixed doors. There is still a little site office to be added to the structure so that will have to fit to either the top side or the rear of the shed. The shed requires the tracks to be 30mm apart. Also with that set is a work train and a car washer facility. This will probably go on the Freight siding though it might be on the top entry line into the shed.


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This is my latest plan showing a large layout with most of the modules able to plug directly into standard T-TRAK modules (that are running the alternative spacing 33mm).
The measurements are shown in cm (Centimetres). Data shown inside a box will be indicating the height/elevation at that point. Grades are showing as a percentage and the arrow indicates if it is an up-grade or down-grade.
The pinkish tracks are for the Fleischmann N Rack track pieces #9110. These are 222mm long, sort of flexible and they have a centre rack that a cog wheel on the locos locks into and drives the loco without slipping. Using this scheme the locos are said to be able to handle grades of up to 25%.


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