ICMRR Modules
Please feel free to add your own module pages and pictures.
Read Guidelines for Adding Modules and Club Members to Site.
Remember to set tags for each module page you add. Tags you should use include:
For the size use: "single", "double", "triple", "quad", "corner", "junction" or "yard"
If the module is part of a set, in addition to the size tag add: "set"
If it has track power drops use: "power"
For special track use: "crossover", "siding", "spur"
For specific scenery use: "water", "snow", 'tunnel', "bridge", "station", etc.
For powered effects use: "LED", "lights", "sound", "motorized", "smoke"
For specific theme categories use: "Scifi", etc.
The List of Modules ( 60 )
- 3 track yard w businesses, set
- 4 Track business district
- Auto Ramp
- ball field & picnic
- Barn and Riding Arena
- Bridge on River
- Bridge over stream with campers
- bridge over stream with canoers
- Camping Trailer on Road
- Church & 4 businesses
- Construc Site
- Corner Lrg Radius EL barn church library
- Corner Lrg Radius EL three 2 story houses
- Corner Lrg Radius EL two houses one w lake access
- Corner Lrg Radius EL with two houses
- Corner Lrg Radius w/Barn & Grain Bins
- Corner Lrg Radius w/House
- corner to right yard
- corner w/ blue building & single tk to yd
- Corner w/Car Dealership
- Corner with Barn & Silo
- corner with hill
- Corner w/Store & coal dump
- Depot & barn
- Dogbone with Grain Elevator
- Double Corner 180 w/House
- double crossover & business
- Down Stream Bridge
- Executive Homes
- Factory & Freight Depot
- factory with tall stack
- farm fields & chicken house
- farm house, barn, bins
- farm house & fields of bales
- Feed Store
- Field w/tr & sprayer #6R to yd
- Front to Back Left w/Cattle
- Front to Back Right w/Campers
- General Store & Stream
- Intermodal yard 2 track
- Junction module with tent campers
- Junction & Truck Shop
- Junction w/ 5 Grain Bins
- Junction w/Quonset and Campers & Police
- Mountain track cut
- Mountain w/ cut side
- offset w/River Bridge & House & Barn
- Offset w/River Bridge & Pasture
- Rock Quarry w Left Turnout
- Sawtooth Factory
- Service Station and Farm House
- siding to warehouse & freight depot
- siding w/ garage & passenger depot
- siding with feed store
- Small Offset Pair
- Station and Barn
- Store, Saloon, Lumber Yard
- Store, Station and Water Tower
- Switching Layout - (2) Triples
- Ten Buildings
- Three businesses
- Three stores and backhoe
- T Yard
- Warehouse and Quonset
- Waterfall Modules
- Yard, In line, 8 tracks