Monkton Park Primary School T-Trak Club

MPTT: M-Park T-Trak - an after-school club at Monkton Park Primary School.

Location: Chippenham, Wiltshire

The club, founded in 2017, is open only to pupils in Years 4 to 6 at the school. Pupils learn about Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) by designing, building and operating a T-Trak modular model railway.

Up to twelve pupils enroll for ten after-school sessions per term, each lasting an hour. The club has a set of twelve straight modules, four corners and two junctions, all built by the club members since September 2017. Each term, we maintain our modules and look for ways to improve them. We have used our layout to learn about a range of topics; it is both a chance to learn about full-size railways (e.g. earthworks, signalling, track, famous engineers and accidents) and a product in its own right (e.g. building to standards, evaluating performance, suggesting improvements, using different tools and techniques, electrical circuits, computer programming).

T-Trak Standards: 33mm Spacing. No sky boards.

Club Events and Modules

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