Monkton Park Terminus Station Throat

Built By: Dan

Description: This non-standard triple module is a terminus station throat to work with the signal modules used by Monkton Park Primary School T-Trak Club. This module is wired b-w-b-w so I had to adapt the adjacent signal module (which is standard b-w-w-b) with an automatic polarity change-over device. The module interfaces with standard 210mm T-Trak modules at the thin end, with an extension on the front of the module to make the fat end 300mm wide. The throat module attaches to a non-standard platforms module at the fat end.

The layout is controlled using JMRI, with interlocking data and control panel based on British Rail Western Region 1960s multiple aspect signalling. The setting of signal routes can be controlled either manually or automatically (auto mode is very helpful if people keep asking the human signaller questions). MERG circuit kits are attached to the underside of the module, allowing computer control of the points and signals. The locomotive shed building hides four buttons to signal Train Ready To Start (TRTS) to the signaller for each platform. Pressing a button triggers the automatic signaller to set a route for the train to leave the station as soon as it is safe to do so.

MPTST_1.jpg The control panel in JMRI attempts to simulate a BR Western Region control panel.
IMG_2319.JPG The terminus station throat was part of the T-Trak layout at Swindon Railway Festival 2024. This was its first public outing. The loco shed building hides circuits for optical train detectors and the TRTS buttons for the platform. The shed arrangement was inspired by the remodelling of Reading Upper Triangle Depot; the tracks outside are live on DCC to allow posing of sound-fitted locomotives.
IMG_2321.JPG This module has the four starting signals for the terminus station platforms and a typical summer 2024 level of vegetation growth along the lineside! (That's inspired by the amount of greenery around the west end of Chippenham station's platforms.)
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