NGS-YAG: N Gauge Society - Yorkshire Area Group.
Welcome to the T-TRAK pages of the Yorkshire Area Group of the N Gauge Society. We're a group N Gauge modellers living in Yorkshire. Our interests range cover all eras and most continents. All modellers and train enthusiasts be they experienced or beginner are welcome to join us for our meetings, usually held on the second and fourth Saturday of each month.
We began building T-TRAK modules in early 2022. We'd previously built modules to a number of different standards which resulted in a 20' long four-track layout that was put up at most meetings for members to run trains on. However, an ageing membership were finding it harder to bring the modules up and down the stairs to the roof-space where they were stored. Smaller, lighter modules were needed and our research lead us to T-TRAK.
We have followed the standard for sizes, staying with single, double and triple modules. A group member has produced some laser-cut baseboard which are now available to purchase from Train Trax. We use RCA/Phono connectors for supplying power to the modules as it allowed re-used of existing controllers and wiring harnesses.
We use the BWWB method of track feeds. Most modules are built with RCA/Phono connectors fitted and wired to the track (centre pin = W) Normally only around a quarter of modules are powered directly. Track power is DC or DCC depending on the controller type plugged in that day!
We also have a range of FreeMo modules with many group members having individual lay.
Location: Heworth Community Centre, Heworth, York, YO31 0HG
T-Trak Standards: 33mm Spacing; Optional sky-boards.
Home Website: [https://yagngs.wixsite.com/yorkshire-area-group]
FaceBook Page: [https://www.facebook.com/YorkshireNgaugeSociety/]
Club Events, Members and Modules
- NGS-YAG Events
- NGS-YAG Members
NGS-YAG Modules
- NGS-YAG American Suburbia
- NGS-YAG Barrett's Softwater Services
- NGS-YAG Blea Moor
- NGS-YAG British Suburbia
- NGS-YAG Coaling Plant
- NGS-YAG Copse
- NGS-YAG Corner Fields
- NGS-YAG Dakota Bridge
- NGS-YAG Don's Market Garden
- NGS-YAG Fiddle/Staging Yard
- NGS-YAG Girder Bridge
- NGS-YAG Incident on Main Street
- NGS-YAG Jurassic Forest
- NGS-YAG Mittelstadt
- NGS-YAG Old Town Fire Station
- NGS-YAG Shark Bay
- NGS-YAG Stoney Ground corner
- NGS-YAG Windmolen
- NGS-YAG Monthly Meetings