Nick Sklias

About Me or What I Like Most About T-TRAK

Nick Sklias passed away on Jan 22, 2020. He will be very sorely missed by everyone who ever met him.

I live in suburban Columbia, Maryland. I started T-TRAK after I saw what Steve Jackson had set up at the Capital Limited in 04. I'm also an NTRAKer and do both types of set ups. At this point I have approx 55 modules, singles, doubles, inside and outside corners, and two junctions. The first time I did a set up was with Steve at the Timonium Fairgrounds Cow Palace. It was a succesfull show. Jim and Lee Fitsgerald were there in attendance and Lee came over to our T-TRAK layout and was very impressed. Since then Steve and I did many shows together with other members of the club. I have power drops on some of my modules and UP5's on five of them. For power I use a MRC TechII for DC on the Mt Line and the inside track and the Digitrax Zephyr for DCC on the out side track. For me T-TRAK is great because I can do so many scenes that I can't do in NTRAK. I've been a Model Railroader for over 55 years, since I received my first train set in 1946 when my dad returned from WWII. that was an American Flyer S Scale. I've also done HO but my favorite is N-Scale.

My Modules

Nick's modules have been dispersed amongst the club's members and his memory lives on through his work.

My Trains

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