Welcome to Northern New Jersey N-Trak's T-Trak wikidot page. Our club was founded in 1988 and has been active in our area at shows since then. We now have a T-Trak layout to bring to shows. At first, we plan on setting up a small T-Trak layout along with our regular N-Trak show layout. We hope our expansion into T-Trak allows us to set up at other venues and expand our reach. Plus these modules are so much easier to transport and set up it should be easier to staff the shows.
Our T-Trak layout at the Wayne, NJ P.A.L. show 9/21/2014 - our first public display!
Our T-Trak layout at the Wayne, NJ P.A.L. show 5/17/2015.
Our T-Trak committee is Dave Ferrari, Phil Brown and Mike Maloney. They all have T-Trak modules with more under construction. Dave Elwell and Harry Dente have built modules and had them in shows. We have new members, Drew Kiely, Jim Macintyre and Carmine Sorvillo who also have modules and more in the works. Several other members have T-Kits and will soon join us with completed modules.
Visit our club's Home Website at:
T-Trak Standards: Alternate Spacing
DCC: Digitrax DC: Optional, depending on show