Operating Agreements




Purpose: The purpose of the North Texas T-TRAK Modular Railroad Club (the Club) shall be to foster the enjoyment of N-scale model railroading while promoting the T-TRAK modular system.

Membership: Active membership in the Club shall be defined as ownership of one or more T-TRAK modules, participation in at least four shows during the season, and acceptance of these Operating Agreements. Collateral membership is open to anyone who indicates an interest in T-TRAK, but is unable to perform as an Active member. Geography or any other limiting factor shall not restrict membership..

Meetings: An Annual Meeting shall be convened at the start of each new show season. Other meetings, agreed to by the Active members, may be held as deemed necessary for the efficient conduct of business. Any meeting may be postponed or canceled as circumstances dictate.

Leadership: There shall be no officers or Board of Directors for the Club. The majority of Active members present at a meeting shall decide all issues affecting Club operations. Issues may also be decided with email by the majority of the Active members responding.

Finances: There shall be no dues associated with either class of membership. Any monies earned through the efforts of the Club shall be dispersed as decided by the Active members. To the extent monies are available; the Club shall pay at least a substantial part of the meal at the Annual Meeting for all Active members. At least one Active member shall be charged with the responsibility of accounting for any monies held into the future.

Amendments: Any change to this document may be made with the agreement of at least one half of all Active members.

Adopted: November 9, 2004
Amended: April 23, 2015

Addendum #1 - T-TRAK Module Guidelines

Preface: The purpose of this addendum is to set out, in simple and straightforward language, a basic outline for the construction, track placement, and scenery for T-TRAK modules. Following these guidelines will insure both mechanical and electrical interface when joined together with modules within our own group and with others. These guidelines are not intended to revise or supersede any existing “official” T-TRAK information

Guidelines for Construction: All module construction techniques and materials are at the owner’s option. Neither techniques nor materials will impede the efficient operation of the layout. The height of all modules will be 70mm and easily adjustable to 102mm.

Guidelines for Straight Modules: The community track on a straight single module will be 310mm, which will overhang to module base by at least 1mm on each side. The normal depth of a straight module will not exceed 355.6mm. Straight modules of extra track length will be in multiples of 310mm with at least 1mm overhang on each end.

Guidelines for Corner Modules: Outside corner modules will be 365mm square. Inside corner modules will be based on a 464mm square. The radius of the community tracks on corners will be 282mm and 315mm.

Guidelines for Junction Modules: Junction modules, whether a T-junction or any other configuration, provide the flexibility to assemble layouts in a variety of unique designs. The basic T-junction module will be 596mm wide and 365mm deep. The radius of the curved track will be 282mm.

Guidelines for Special Purpose Modules: It is recognized that a module, or set of modules, may be built for a special purpose or to model a specific scene. These special purpose modules should be built according to the above guidelines and dimensions. No special purpose module will interfere with efficient operation of the layout, either end to end or front to back. The owner of any special purpose modules understands that a particular layout may not accommodate these modules due to space considerations or other.

Guidelines for Track: Two community tracks will be affixed to each module. The front track will be set back 38.1mm from the front fascia; the second, parallel, track will be placed behind and spaced 33mm track center to track center. All tracks should extend evenly beyond the sides of the module by at least 1mm. Kato Unitrack® is the preferred product for all of our T-TRAK modules. At the very least, all modules, or module sets, will have Kato Unitrack® at the ends. All track shall be securely attached to the module base in such a way as to assure firm interlocking with adjoining modules while maintaining the geometry and efficient operations of the layout. Additional tracks may be placed on a module at the owner’s discretion as long as efficient operations on the community tracks are not compromised.

Guidelines for Wiring: Not every T-TRAK module will have power feeds, but those modules that do shall be equipped with standard Kato Unitrack® wires and connectors. To the extent possible, all corner and junction modules should be outfitted with Kato Unitrack® power feeds. The front community track will be wired with the blue wire to the front of the module. The rear community track will be wired with the blue wire to the rear of the module. In effect, this will yield a blue-white/white-blue configuration for the community tracks. The front community track will be identified as the “Outer” track. The rear community track will be identified as the “Inner” track. Other wiring for AC or DC accessories will be at the option and responsibility of the module owner. Any additional wiring shall not interfere with the efficient operations of the community tracks.

Guidelines for Scenery: Every effort should be made to show modules with scenery completed to the best of the ability of the owner. Modules under construction or without scenery will be accepted for showing only when needed to complete a layout that would otherwise exclude a completed module. Sky boards are at the option of the module owner and may be used as long as they do not interfere with efficient operations of the layout.

Conclusion: As much as we encourage and value innovation, the point is that each module should be able to effectively join with others in the layout. Each module owner bears the ultimate responsibility of insuring this is met, at the risk of not being able to join in the layout. All new modules should be constructed with these guidelines in mind. Every effort will be made to accommodate older modules produced before publication of these guidelines or under earlier versions of the “official” T-TRAK information.

Adopted: April 23, 2007
Amended: December 5, 2007
Amended: February 1, 2008
Amended: April 23, 2015

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