NTTT Rolling Command Station

North Texas T-TRAK's Rolling Command Station (RCS)

In 2017 North Texas T-TRAK was inspired by Terry Nathan's AustNtrak T-TRAK Command Station and opted to build a similar command station. One of our primary goals was to minimize the size of the command station so that it could be easily transported. The project was completed in 2018 and has successfully performed at numerous exhibitions.

Here are a series of videos explaining the build process.

DCC in a tool box (RCS Project: Video 1/4)

DCC in a tool box (RCS Project: Video 2/4)

DCC in a tool box (RCS Project Video: 2b)

DCC in a tool box (RCS Project Video: 3)

DCC in a tool box (RCS Project Video: 4/4)

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