Built By: Barry Fisher
Description: In my home layout I was in need of a new inside corner with a triple main line. The third line is constructed with R 348 the next radius up from a standard alternate corner. I removed the Nuclear Power Plant from an old junction module and re-created a similar scene. On this module I kept the scene at track level. The extra space on the Inside corner allowed for a pair of cooling towers, and small roadway through the plant. The high security fence was removed from the old module and readjusted to fit on the reversed curve.

At exhibitions I have made a small cover plinth which hides the third main in a dual track situation. The effect is quite deceptive.
The module was use in this form at the Sandown Train and Hobby Show 2018.
The triple track style when used at home has fully ballasted main line in the centre and two sidings.
Constructed: Jan 2018