Built By: Kent Smiley
Owned By: Steve Jackson
Description: Double Cross (DC) Junction module
This is a module based on the Brian Heil design. Vic McTee had the best description for it, a Double Cross Junction, and seeing I live near DC, I thought I could shorten the name a bit to match the locale. It is built out of Elmers 5mm Foamboard. A work in progress as I have ballast and scenery for the 1 1/2 inches around the track edge. I used the left over 45.5mm straight sections from the 4 90 degree Kato junction pieces on the ends to provide a UniTrack to UniTrack connection to other modules. The custom pieces between the junctions and the UniTrack straights are Atlas flex track. Midwest Cork Road Bed and Atlas Code 80 Flex track matched up perfectly to the UniTrack.
Track arrangement possibilities for this module are available at Addams' Crossing.
Here is the module in in action during a NVNTRAK setup at FFX. Only one route has been sceniced at this point.
Here is an early shot where I was testing the alignment of the tracks with two end caps and two corners.