Lumber Yard

Built By: Steve J

Description: After recovering from the convention in 2004 and getting some modules built for my son, I turned back to module building for myself. Lumber Yard and Fuel Depot were the result of the new inspiration. These two modules travel together. Both feature power drops as well as Digitrax UP5s. In addition, Lumber Yard also features a TrainSpeed™ speedometer manufactured by TDP & Associates, Inc.

The TrainSpeed™ speedometer has been particularly handy for programming speed tables in DCC locos. In addition ,it is great to talk to the kids who come to the layout about the idea scale speed. They might think the train is traveling VERY slowly, but in reality it is traveling quickly at scale speed. They enjoy guessing how fast a train is traveling… and of course they always want to know how fast they can go. For the record, a Kato P40 will consistently hit 190-200 mph. The TrainSpeed™ speedometer includes the electronic guts, but not really a pretty interface. I included an image below of the screen that I created for my TrainSpeed™ speedometer.

Lumber Yard includes a lumber yard, which is served by a spur, on the left end and a house with a small pasture between the spur and the road.

Here is a link to a photo of Lumber Yard at the Derby City Express in 2008 in Louisville, KY


The TrainSpeed™ speedometer is located behind a plexiglass plate since it comes with only a simple LED interface. The following is a screen capture of the plate that I created. The numbers show in the upper left.


This nice lady waves to all of the trains as they pass right by her front porch.


Here is a diagram, created in Visio, of the module.

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