Old Crossing

Built By: Steve J

Description: This module is one of the first two T-TRAK junction modules which were built. I built them (Old Crossing and Gentle Meadow) for the Capitol Limited convention in 2004 based them on the design of the NTRAK junction modules that our club used. The modules are constructed from 1" by 3" pine with a 1/4" luan plywood top.

I added power drops to all three legs of these junctions. For a long time, I was very frustrated when using these power drops because I could never figure out how to mark the plugs so that I could make sure I didn't get them confused. Thanks to Mike M from NTTT for the idea of how they wire theirs. Having power drops at the junctions is really handy so long as you don't get them all confused and cause a short circuit.

This junction is supposed to represent and abandoned crossing with the old right of way and freight station.

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