Built By: Kent Smiley
Description: My first T-Trak module, built 2013-14, a town with a depot, with buildings from recent travels and kits . The grey roofed white building with red doors is a COOP shed from Canyon, TX. The depot is inspired by Buena Vista, CO, although it is a loose representation. The row of stores next to the depot is based on a strip of stores in Bethesda, MD. The two story building is a DPM kit that was salvaged from a different layout. The small grey building is a paper building with stryrene shell. The track is filled in and ballasted to resemble a depot/freight shed environment with light ballast and much smaller crushed rock surrounding the depot and freight shed. And yes, it is a work in progress.
Update August 3rd, 2014The following two photos were taken prior to display at the Capitol Limited N Scale East convention Aug 7-10, 2014

Update February 8th 2015 On Display at Fairfax Station NVNtrak T-Trak Division show.

Update February 14th 2016 Back at Fairfax Station. Added some people, details, vehicles, etc. Everything is glued down down. That's Dave Davies FEF-3 running through.

Update May 13th, 2017 Greenspring Village Mother Day Weekend Train Show.