Purpose: The purpose of the Northwest Florida T-TRAK Club (the Club) shall be to foster the enjoyment of N-scale model railroading while promoting the T-TRAK modular system.
Membership: Active membership in the Club shall be defined as ownership of one or more T-TRAK modules, participation in at least one show during the season, and acceptance of these Operating Agreements. Collateral membership is open to anyone who indicates an interest in T-TRAK, but is unable to perform as an Active member. Geography or any other limiting factor shall not restrict membership..
Meetings: An Annual Meeting shall be convened in January of each calendar year. Other meetings, agreed to by the Active members, may be held as deemed necessary for the efficient conduct of business. Any meeting may be postponed or canceled as circumstances dictate.
Leadership: There shall be no officers or Board of Directors for the Club. The majority of Active members present at a meeting shall decide all issues affecting Club operations. Issues may also be decided with email by the majority of the Active members responding.
Finances: There shall be no dues associated with either class of membership. Any monies earned through the efforts of the Club shall be dispersed as decided by the Active members. To the extent monies are available; the Club shall pay at least a substantial part of the meal at the Annual Meeting for all Active members. At least one Active member shall be charged with the responsibility of accounting for any monies held into the future.
Amendments: Any change to this document may be made with the agreement of at least one half of all Active members.
Adopted: January 30, 2018