Fiddleyard Modules
On Saturday it was proposed to add a fiddle yard to the T-trak Modules, below are drawings for the boards required :-
- 2 Double module kink boards (Left & Right)
2 2 treble point boards (Left & Right)
3 a double centre section
4 a treble centre section
The Purchase of the required Track and Ply has been funded 6 group members and the Bently Model Railway Group.
The Track I have sourced at very favourable prices from a Kato track recycler on the south coast and should be here by Friday 19/08/22 I will be visiting B&Q on Friday to get the ply so we can have a mass build session at the W5TAG meet on Sunday 21/08/22.
As of the 25/08/22 the 2 offset modules have been built, one of the point modules is complete and a treble centre section have been complted.