About Me and What I Like Most About T-Trak
I saw a T-Trak layout at a train show while on vacation. I have a small N-Scale layout already, but I rarely did any work on it. I liked the idea that I could just work on a little bit at a time and get one piece at at time completed. I like that sense of accomplishment.
I also don't have much space, so I liked the idea that I could keep building new things when I get new ideas, and then just take something old out and put the new one in. You also don't have to tear anything apart to insert something new. And my son liked the idea that we could swap in a winter scene at the right time of year.
So far I have built a small oval's worth of modules and I am slowly, slowly adding scenery. I have one module almost done and will post a picture when it is. I am painting buildings for the next one and am always planning future modules in my head.