RSL Club crossing

Built By: Barry Fisher

Description: The local RSL Club (Returned Serviceman's League) installed a UH1H chopper - known universally as the Huey, at a Vietnam War Memorial in the front of their building. It was donated by the US Army and looks fantastic mounted high above the entrance to the function rooms. I decided that it had to be a feature of a module. I found an unusal building from a Japanese manufacturer to act as the Club and a model helicopter that was manufactured by Dragon. I don't think it is a Huey, but it still looks nice on the module. The module is a single with a kato road crossing on one side.


I made some small 20 foot containers from card that I printed from a German website. It is amazing how easy it is to print and construct these in N scale. Once stacked in a row, nobody can notice they are made from light card.


It was great fun to make and very pleasing when small children recognise it as the Dandenong RSL club. The module is powered using RCA jacks using the Australian T-trak guidelines.

Constructed: November 2008

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