Small Town Station, Country Store & Farm

Built By: Richard Coyle

Module History

This module has had a checked past.

Stage 1: An N-Trak module (1200mm x 600mm). Not a standard one (three tracks at the front) but one that used the alternative branch specification. This latter arrangement of separating the main line & branch line tracks enabled me to convert it from N-Trak to T-Trak. The scenery was of two financially different railroads crossing a dry river bed.



Stage 2: The N-Trak mountain division was added. The photo below is of that era - tunnels thru the mountains were carved out but the natural rock portals were never completed. The high line was a continuation of the branch line and the route of the original & financially struggling railroad.


Stage 3: Initially the module was equivalent to the track length of two junctions (1194mm) and was used in a layout as shown below. However I was uncomfortable with large gap between the two sides of a layout. I started making a drop-in/lift-out scenery component (no tracks) but became concerned about transporting/protecting it when travelling to shows..



Stage 4: The use of Offset modules with the Junctions to eliminate the need for a scenery component. But what length for the Offset modules?? The solution was to make them so that the when the Junctions & Offsets are placed end to end then they would be equal to a number of standard modules. This involved increasing the module from its Stage 2 track length of 1194mm to 1240mm…

Offset Module 488mm (~ Track Length) x 300mm.
Junction Module 597 mm (Track Length) x 365mm.
Thus 488 + 597 + 597 + 488 = 2170mm (Track Length) and
Quad(1240) + Std(310) + Dbl(620) = 2170mm(Track Length)

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