History About Me , Local Railroads and about evolving T-Trak Modules

I currently am a volunteer Train Host, in Nashville TN with the Tenneessee Central Railway Museum.
1st trains were Lionel in the 1950 and 60's. In the 70's while in USAF & stationed in England, discovered OO scale, then began acquiring Hornby OO engines and cars. Had switching 12 ft shelf-layout in a storage room. Late 70's transferred to Germany and got HO Fleishman and some US locomotives and freight cars.
Between in the 80's the trains were set up for Christmas and our daughter and I would run them over the holidays and then packed away until the next year.
Trains were packed until we moved to Tennessee in 2001. Then only a few would be taken out occasionally.
In 2013 I decided it was time to build a home layout and attended several train shows over the winter of 2013.
I am a member of:
- Nashville N-TRAK ( http://www.nashvillentrak.org)
- Middle TN T-Trak ( Founding Member and currently only member)
- Middle Tennessee Model Railroaders ( http://www.laslrailroad.net ) Nolensville, TN
- Tennessee Valley Model Railroaders Murfreesboro, TN
- American Legion Post 23 Shelbyville MRR Group
Railroads evolve:
After moving to Petersburg TN I started to research the abandoned railroal lines of the Area.
Records tell of a Duck River Narrow Gauge Railroad between Columbia and Fayetteville TN.
I am fond of these points along the railroad:
Columbia & Lewisburg still have active rails today. and both are on Mainlines between Nashville and points south.
Belfast Depot, Tally Station and Petersburg are the closest to me and I am actively seeking word of mouth history and photos of the railroads in it's "hay" days.
The Duck River Narrow guage was aquired by the Nashville Chattanooga & St Louis Railroad. The NC & St L operated the narrow guage for many off loading Freight from Standard Gauge in Columbia loading onto the Narrow box cars and then in Fayetteville again move back to Standard. Eventually they invested resources to convert to Standard track and equipment. Saving time, human resources and $$$.
Eventually this line was taken over by Louisville and Nashville who abandoned it primary a reason I favor NC & St L over L&N.
I plan to freelance portions of the Railroads in T-Trak modules with artistic license using pre-built building as stand-in for more historically correct structures.
Initial focus will be from West to East
Belfast Depot, where the Depot still stands today and is used by a Coon Hunting Club.
Tally Station, structure stands today still but is barn.
Timber/Lumber industry was and still is a going concern in the area.
Only the rock / cement remain of the Water tower in Petersburg
The County Sheriff had some of his charges re-paint the old "Jail" house on Railroad Ave
Today there are Artistic Rendering of prisoners looking of the Jail house windows.
Being a retired Volunteer Firefighter there is a Fire scene in the town square distict.
The T-Trak railroad modules evolve as well
My Modules
- Area 69 f-117
- Low Pass Corner
- Post Office Airway Arrow 1924-1942 / Farm
- Riley Brothers Lumber
- River Caverns
- VFD Petersburg TN