This is an excellent idea by Bruce Arbo and Denise Hutton of SWARM- South West Alabama Railroad Modelers. Most clubs set out a brochure or have flyers handy, maybe even an example module nearby, but this is taking it to "presentation" levels. They dedicate a table next to their layout as an 'Introduction' and Display Table. The display includes a Club information sheet, membership forms, the official T-Trak flyer, packages of Kato Unitrack, samples of Terry Nathan's excellent "T-Kits" modules, in finished and unfinished forms, samples of Powerpole connectors, along with T-Kits product flyers. The Display table offers a way for folks to get a basic idea of what T-Trak is, and has become an amazing 'conversation starter' at the shows.
T-TRAK Display Table