T-TRAK-N Star Junction r282

Depicted in Figure 1 is a T-TRAK-N Star Junction1. The ends of the Star Junction are similar to r282/315 corners but are rotated +30o and -30o with respect to the long fascia. The long fascia is 722.8 mm (28.457") and the short fascia is 458.5 mm (18.051").

The depicted track for this module is the third iteration created. The end curves are r282-45o, two on each side. The 120o curve facing the short fascia consists of one r315-45o, two r315-15o pieces, and another r315-45o. The 60o curve facing the long fascia consists of a straight easement of 248 mm, two r348-30o pieces, and another 248 mm straight easement. This track arrangement does not require cutting any track.


Figure 1. Star Junction (Click image for a larger picture)

The first track arrangement for the Star Junctions was as exhibited by Lee Monaco-Fitzgerald at the Philly 2006 show. The track arrangement for those modules were as depicted in Figure 2.


Figure 2. MkI Star Junction Track Arrangement (Click image for a larger picture)

The second track arrangement for the Star Junctions was proposed by Paul Musselman to eliminate potential s-curves with certain arrangements of these modules. This track arrangement is depicted in Figure 3. Note that this arrangement required cutting track which is depicted with the 20050 track piece.


Figure 3. MkII Star Junction Track Arrangement (Click image for a larger picture)

The third track arrangement for the Star Junctions was created by me while reverse engineering the dimensions for the Star Junctions (with the assistance of a picture supplied by Paul) in 2010. It incorporates Paul's modification to eliminate s-curves but does not require cutting any track. The track arrangement is depicted in Figure 4.


Figure 4. MkIII Star Junction Track Arrangement (Click image for a larger picture)

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