T-TRAK Related Links
Anyone can add links to forums or other general T-TRAK sites.
Please keep the links to clubs on the individual club pages. Club links on this page will be removed.
URL | Description |
T-TRAK.org | The Official T-TRAK Website |
National T-TRAK Layout | Information about T-TRAK layouts displayed at the annual NMRA National Train Show |
Unofficial T-TRAK Handbook | Paul Musselman's Guide to Everything T-TRAK and more |
Australian T-TRAK Site | Australian T-TRAK Official Website |
French T-TRAK Site | The Official T-TRAK French Website |
Japanese T-TRAK Site | Japanese T-TRAK Network |
Russian T-TRAK Site | Russian Implementation of T-TRAK |
T-TRAK for Trolleys | Ideas and Modules for Traction Applications |
Thomas Tuerke | Thomas Tuerke's "T-TRAK compatible" modules |
Facebook T-TRAK Group | Facebook T-TRAK Group |
Facebook T-TRAK Network | Japanese Facebook T-TRAK Group |
T-TRAK Tokyo Project | another Japanese Facebook T-TRAK Group |
Trainboard Forum | Check out their N Scale Forum and the T-TRAK Group |
Facebook Kato Buy - Sell - Swap Group | Kato N and HO Only Buy, Swap And Sell |
Le Forum du N | French N Forum |
T-TRAK in Australia | Australian T-TRAK Forum |
Kato USA | Manufacturer of Unitrack, which is the required interface track for T-TRAK-N and T-TRAK-HO modules |
Rokuhan | Manufacturer of the required interface track for T-TRAK-Z modules |
Tillig | Manufacturer of TT-Bettungsgleis, which is the required interface track for T-TRAK-TT modules |
MTH Trains | Manufacturer of STrax, which is the required interface track for T-TRAK-S modules |
Lionel | Manufacturer of FasTrack, which is the required interface track for T-TRAK-O modules |
DP Model Train Products | Supplier of screws the proper size to affix Kato track to modules |
T-TRAK by Denniston | U.S. cabinet quality assembled modules for T-TRAK-N and T-TRAK-Z by Stuart Denniston |
CMR Products | And another US based manufacturer of module kits (laser cut) |
Dark Sky Modules | US based manufacturer of T-Trak N/Z module kits (CNC) |
RS Laser Kits | US based laser cut singles and corners |
TF Trains | US East Coast Module Kits |
Klawndyke's | US based laser cut module kits |
The Model Railroad Benchwork Store | US based N & HO modules |
Make Boom T-Trak | All Scales for T-TRAK Modules - Craftsman manufacturer of modules with plywood in metric sizes. |
Osborn Model Kits | T-TRAK-N kits (laser cut) |
Precision Model Railroad | US & Canada T-TRAK-N modules |
www.pikartmodels.com | European T-TRAK module manufacturer (US shipping) |
Train Trax | UK supplier of T-TRAK module kits |
HobbySearch Model Train N Scale Store | Japanese supplier of all things model railroad including KATO T-TRAK kits. Will send just about worldwide. Very reliable. |
Plaza Japan Hobby store | Another trustworthy Japanese supplier |
TOMIX Japan | Said to be the largest manufacturer of model trains in the world. Buy their products through the above Japanese suppliers. A KATO conversion piece (20-045) is available for matching to TOMIX and ATLAS track pieces. But any modeler with handy skills can build up the track and use common joiners to match with just about any other track pieces. |
Scalescenes.com | Scalescenes is a well-respected provider of Downloadable Railway, Town, and Maritime scenes for your modules. Buy the file as a PDF, print it, fix to paper or card, and cut it out. Construction is relatively easy and there are even 4 kits you can download for free to see how you like them. They create in the British outline in OO and N scales but by changing the print ratio you can match any scale. Once you have the file you can print it as many times as you like for your own use. Much of the catalog can be used with any theme such as the Free Inspection pit for loco service depots or use their Scatchbuild papers. |
AnyRail | Track Layout Software - Windows only |
XTrkCAD | XTrkCAD model railroad track planning software. Mac, Windows, and Linux. Free and open source. |
SCARM | Simple Computer Aided Railway Modeller, software for easy and precise design of model train layouts and railroad track plans. |
T-TRAK Designer | Free Windows Software for design T-TRAK Layouts by Toni Guerrero |
Railroad Model Craftsman | Train Set Gazette supplement to Railroad Model Craftsman |
Model Railroad Hobbyist | Article by Thomas Tuerke in the October 2014 issue of Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine |
Sumida Crossing | Description of Kato's turnouts |
Spookshow.net | N-Scale Locomotive Encyclopedia |