Built By: Barry Fisher
Description: I recently went to my local hobby shop and purchased a resin module of a goods shed. It was from the Hornby Lyddle End range. When I got home I realised that I had already purchase the identical model, so I decided that both could be used on the one module.
I decided to use a very small radius Peco set track point. powered by a traditional peco solenoid motor and a digitrax stationary decoder.
The module has a old art deco building with a scratch built gantry along the edge of the factory. I used lots of materials as surface detail to move the eye to different parts of the scene. There is a small Imex motor home at the rear, it really represents typical construction worksheds on modern Australian worksites. I have again moved back to using Euopean grass mat that is lined with paper. It's old fashioned, but it dresses up really well, with small details that are now available.
Constructed: October 2012